3GVision, das Unternehmen hinter dem weltweit führenden QR-Code Reader I-Nigma veröffentlicht seine Zahlen zur Mobile Tagging Nutzung im Jahr 2010.
Weltweit konnte eine Steigerung von nahezu 500% der mit I-Nigma durchgeführten Barcode Scans gemessen werden. Dies beinhaltet QR-Code, Datamatrix und EAN/UPC Scans. Gerade der deutsche Mark wächst derzeit rapide (262% in Q4/2010). Wir sind mit Tagnition, als exklusiver I-Nigma Partner für Deutschland, stolz Mobile Tagging wieder ein Jahr kräftigen Wachstums beschehrt zu haben und hoffen auf eine ähnlichen Trend in 2011. Danke auch an all die Nutzer da draußen.
Auszug der Pressemeldung:
Worth noting:
- For the first time, the US has become the largest country in terms of absolute
number of scans - Stellar growth in Hong King and Canada. Germany’s strong growth will likely
surpass Italy’s no. 2 position in coming months - Signs of exponential growth when comparing growth of Q4/Q3 (83%) to that
of Q3/Q2 (34%) and Q2/Q1 (13%) - Although this report highlights the very best performers of Q4, please note that also the countries that are ranked in lower positions compared to Q3, still show significant growth!
- These reports are based on the total number of QRcode, Datamatrix and UPC/EAN scans recorded by the i-nigma system during the relevant periods. Because of i-nigma’s worldwide prominence, we believe that these numbers are likely to be indicative of global mobile barcode activity
- The reports do not include activity in Japan, which is known to be well ahead in popularity and usage of mobile barcodes
- For better representation of global open market trends, the reports specifically exclude activity from i-nigma-based solutions that are used by our vertical customers
- Top 5 growing countries are from the top 20 countries in mobile barcodes usage during Q4
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